Tag: props

Molding Immortan’s Mask, Part 2

My mask had some extra-scary work done. I used a scrollsaw to cut an MDF divider for the mask and bolted it together so I could start making the hard mother mold out of

Molding Immortan’s Mask, Part 1

I’m mostly just monkeying around and doing what I see other people do when it comes to making these molds. I hope I understand the process right, but I guess we’ll find out! We

Mask Progress Continues

The gas mask hoses are the childrens’ mask ones that I ordered from eBay, but now I need to find the darker, larger hose that connects to the other end of it. Still, I’m

Expanding on the Printed Mask

In my ongoing efforts to needlessly complicate Maria’s life, I managed to point out a bunch of inconsistencies between the 3D-printed mask I had produced and the actual screen prop. We both realize that

The Immortan Rabbit-Hole

I have a bunch of other irons in the fire that are still half-finished or in-progress, but to hell with it, I want to post this stuff too. I really liked Fury Road, but

Step-by-Step Earpiece Electronics

Author’s Note This post is fairly outdated – I’ve made a lot of revisions and improvements to Star Lord’s earpiece design since initially putting these instructions up. Nevertheless, I thought it’d be useful to

Redesigning the Barrel

So as we speak, I’m remodelling the part to replace the orange piece, too. Hopefully it should be a 100% replacement, screws and all. I’m not done filling it in, but the rough draft looks

Early Barrel Plug Tests

I fashioned a more screen-accurate tip for the quad blaster that plugs into the old nerf gun barrel. First test of the gun barrel looks okay. It’s a hair shorter than I intended, and

Electronics and Detailing

Original audio circuit on left, mine on right. I figured out the points to jump power across and used 3xAA batteries to replace the 3 1.5v coin cells, just to test. Still works. Now

Of Helmets and Blasters

This year, I’ve decided Star Lord was going to be the costume of choice, partly because I loved the daylights out of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and partly because the wonderful community

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