Project: Antiquated Murgleis Sword

The Burning Blade

With the Murgleis suitably reinforced, the only thing left to do was paint…

Reinforcing the Murgleis

I have a few thoughts about 3D printing. It is a fantastic way of producing items with engineered precision and intricate detail. It is also not always the silver bullet for every task. Our

The Sum of its Parts

After weeks of sanding through the evenings on this thing, the antiquated murgleis is finally coming together! We fully assembled the prop, which is not something I actually planned on doing at this stage;

This Baby is an Antique!

We were presented with the fun-yet-daunting prospect of recreating the Antiquated Murgleis from Final Fantasy XIV. This weapon (and the orb that pairs with it) is the signature equipment of the Red Mage class

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