Category: Electronics

Redesign for the Jewel

So I got the data knife printed out pretty much in entirety and have noticed some things I wanted to address. Pictures first, though! It is just loosely held together by two screws in

Borrowing a Laser Cutter!

Progress continues after a bit of a fight with my 3d printer. It kept randomly shifting layers over on me and ruining prints. I was able to ascertain (thanks to Maria, with her quick

Titanfall Data Knife

I have been loving Titanfall 2, and I am not a guy who usually likes shooters. I enjoyed Titanfall 1, but 2 just clicks for me. I picked up the Collector’s Edition of the game, which

Arduino-Controlled Breathing

One of the things I decided the mask needed was the ability to control the airflow the fans produced through the hoses and into the mask. The easiest way to tackle the problem was

Feel the Breeze! This is exciting – it’s actually doing the job! It’ll only get better once everything is properly fitted, but I really need the airbag itself done before I can cut everything down properly

Bottlecaps and Big Ideas

I decided to make my life easy again by manufacturing a quick little jig to help me drill the holes I needed through my bottlecaps at a fixed distance and orientation so that it’d

Step-by-Step Earpiece Electronics

Author’s Note This post is fairly outdated – I’ve made a lot of revisions and improvements to Star Lord’s earpiece design since initially putting these instructions up. Nevertheless, I thought it’d be useful to

Electronics and Detailing

Original audio circuit on left, mine on right. I figured out the points to jump power across and used 3xAA batteries to replace the 3 1.5v coin cells, just to test. Still works. Now

Of Helmets and Blasters

This year, I’ve decided Star Lord was going to be the costume of choice, partly because I loved the daylights out of the Guardians of the Galaxy movie, and partly because the wonderful community

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