Tag: leds

Home from the Holidays

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rVH_hhYB1s I actually got as far as assembly and painting after filming the video above, but I suffered some setbacks. For what it’s worth, assembly is a relative breeze. Unfortunately, once the thing was

Redesign for the Jewel

So I got the data knife printed out pretty much in entirety and have noticed some things I wanted to address. Pictures first, though! It is just loosely held together by two screws in

Borrowing a Laser Cutter!

Progress continues after a bit of a fight with my 3d printer. It kept randomly shifting layers over on me and ruining prints. I was able to ascertain (thanks to Maria, with her quick

Titanfall Data Knife

I have been loving Titanfall 2, and I am not a guy who usually likes shooters. I enjoyed Titanfall 1, but 2 just clicks for me. I picked up the Collector’s Edition of the game, which

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